Action management

Perfectly designed for managing your project tasks

Staff overview per Action
Action steps determination
Time and Staff planning per step
Easy control of used days per employee
Days consumption tracked from timesheets
Action steps progress control

Finance management

Easy-to-control project expenditures

Day-to-day insight into costs realization
Numerous calculations available with only one click
Timesheets easy to fulfill
Easy-to-track transfers between cost categories
Amendments and minor financial changes visible
Control of costs realizations of all project partners

File management

On-line exchange of documents between partners

Proofs of payment
Salary slips and other supportive documents
Public procurements
Checking tool for documentation

How does it work?

It is not obligatory, but the most effective way is that all project beneficiaries are involved.

Entry of project data by the coordinating beneficiary

Project manager first fills in general project data, actions and the financial part.

After checking and locking in the project, associated beneficiaries will get access for editing their part of the project.

Financial Reports and Gantt Chart

There are numerous possibilities of costs control with financial reports prepared by a single click. Some of them are preset.

Data for preparation of Progress, Mid-Term or Final Reports, for Audit and monitoring visits are accessible by one click.

Gantt Chart is automatically updated.


Each project beneficiary is a unique unit

Each partner manages their own planned project budget and action activities.

Only the coordinating beneficiary will have an insight into associated beneficaries´ action progress and financial expenditures.

Task assignments between partners will be easily tracked

A workplan between project partners will be established and implementation of project tasks will be tracked.

On-line exchange of documents is possible, as well as control over already sent documents to the coordinating beneficiary.

Coordinating beneficiary will have a day-to-day insight
into associated beneficiaries´ work and resources use

Data for different types of EU Progress Reports will be available for the project manager in one place.


Perfectly designed

Based on years of experience managing LIFE projects, we estimate that this tool aids and reduces the days consumption of the manager and financial or administrative staff dealing with LIFE administrative and financial requirements by several months.


Our Team

It all started with a cup of coffee...

Irena Likar

Irena has been working with LIFE projects from 2008. Currently she is the project manager of LIFE STRŽEN (LIFE16/NAT/SI/000708), financial manager of LIFE for LASCA (LIFE16/NAT/SI/000644) and administratively supports one of the ABs of Slovenian Integral LIFE (LIFE17/IPE/SI/000011). She is the author of many LIFE projects. The last one, LIFE NarcIS (LIFE19/GIE/000161), was approved in 2020.

Matjaž Mršek

He is a computer expert, guru, techie. He works mostly abroad, but also for Slovenian customers. He created several programes, but he is most proud of the program he developed for trading with electrical energy, data management system and customer service.

Are you interested?

First discuss about this tool with your project beneficiaries. The tool is most efficient if all project partners are using it. If you want to purchase the tool, follow these steps.

Try the tool

First, all project beneficiaries have to watch the video presentation of the tool. If you have any additional questions about the tool, contact us. We can schedule an on-line individual meeting.

If interested, request for a free-of-charge access to the tool. You will be limited to two weeks to try it. Send us your LIFE code and e-mails for access activation (per beneficiary). If you have any additional questions, we will offer you on-line individual support during the testing period.

1st STEP


Then, project beneficiaries have to discuss and decide who will use this tool. It is most efficient if all project partners are using it (see pricing RECOMMENDED). However, an alternative is also useful. In this case, the tool still has full functionalities, but it does not provide a direct insight over associated beneficiaries that have not joined. The coordinating beneficiary has to insert financial data of associated beneficiaries that are not linked into the system (see pricing ALTERNATIVE).

Nevertheless, this tool can be used individually. This is possible for associated beneficiary, when the coordinating beneficiary does not want to use the tool. In that case, a tool for associated beneficiary still has full management functionalities. It works fully for internal control, but since there is no link to a coordinating beneficiary, on-line insight into project progress, communication between CB and ABs and on-line documentation exchange is not possible (see pricing INDIVIDUAL).

2nd STEP


If you decide to purchase the tool, we will first send you an offer and, if approved, we will issue an invoice to all beneficiaries. An invoice with the required LIFE statement will be sent to you by e-mail.

After the payment is received, your access will be re-activated.

License price for the first year also covers an individual on-line guiding and functionalities presentation. The on-line tutorial (once the tool is purchased) is limited to two hours per LIFE project.

3rd STEP

More and more great extra features

A scheduler for project partners and Kanban board for all employees



By using the scheduler, all beneficiaries will be directly informed about joint meetings, events, workshops etc.


Kanban board

A Kanban board will offer amazing support to project task management. It provides control at two levels. At the first level, a user of the tool will be able to delegate and in a later stage to control the progress of the tasks to internal employees, and at the second level, to associated project beneficiaries.


Regular updates

MGM4LIFE tool will be regularly updated according to LIFE regulations and reporting demands. We also encourage you to write to us about possible modification suggestions.


LIFE community

Community is strength. Therefore, we will establish a LIFE project community until the end of 2021. We will be able to share our knowledge and achievements, as well as promote our networking or dissemination activities.

Contact Us

If you are interested in this LIFE tool and have any other questions contact us by sending an e-mail.

© 2020 MGM4LIFE